Dear Registrant,

Thank you for your interest in the Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science (MCD-CTS/KL2) Award. Please take a moment to RSVP below, so we know to expect you.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

The WD Team


Information Session: Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science (MCD-CTS/KL2) Award

Facilitator: Cecilia M. Patino-Sutton, MD MEd PhD, Director of MCD-CTS/KL2 Program, WD SC CTSI

About the session: The Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science (MCD-CTS/KL2) Award is a three-year program that supports the research career development of health professionals or individuals with research doctoral degrees who wish to pursue formal training and a career in clinical and translational research. Candidates should be either a junior faculty or trainees in late stages of clinical training who will be anticipating promotion to faculty status. We encourage applications from individuals in under-represented minority groups.

Join us to learn about the application process, eligibility, coursework and curricula, and financial support.

Via Zoom Webinar  *Registrants will receive the Zoom Webinar link approximately 24 hours before the start of the session.

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